Alter Grimace Society (AGS): Creating A DeFi Ecosystem On Astar Network

Alter Grimace Society
4 min readMar 28, 2022


Introducing Alter Grimace Society

Alter Grimace Society ( AGS ) is a unique NFT collection of 4,888 Alter Grimace. Alter Grimace NFT is the gateway to new projects AGS will be launching on Astar Network in the future. AGS strives to become the hub of all DeFi activity on Astar Network, trading, farming, staking, lending… you will be able to do all that once the AGS ecosystem has been built up.

What Does Alter Grimace Mean?

Grimace is everyone’s favorite fast food brand MacDonald’s mascot! What Alter means is having a different side to yourself, combining the 2 together, Alter Grimace creates this unique and beautiful artwork of grimace and also a split personality of it!

Sneak Peek Of Our Art Work

AGS ( Defi Ecosystem )

Now, this is the exciting part about this whole project, the team behind AGS will be building a DeFi Ecosystem over on Astar Network. The first product launched in this ecosystem will of course be Alter Grimace Society NFT collection, followed by a DEX. AGS Finance will become the hub of all users on Astar Network.

Products Planned For Launched ( In Sequence )

  • Alter Grimace Society ( NFT Collection )
  • AGS Finance ( Decentralized Exchange & Launchpad )
  • NFT Marketplace
  • Lending
  • P2E Game
  • Other DeFi Products ( Algo Stable Coins, Dao, etc. )

AGS Finance ( Decentralized Exchange )

The team here at AGS noticed a huge issue with Astar Network, it does not have a good decentralized exchange… Arthswap is not user-friendly compared to the other exchanges you can find on other networks such as Avalanche, Cronos, Fantom, etc. The team behind AGS has experience building DeFi applications on other networks, hence we are confident in bringing many new DeFi opportunities over to Astar Network.

AGS Finance Features:

  • Farming With LP
  • Staking
  • Low Fees
  • Protocol Owned Liquidity
  • Early Access To New Projects

A new article will be made to cover AGS Finance and its unique features very soon!

What’s The Benefit Of Having Alter Grimace NFT?

There are many benefits that come with owning an Alter Grimace NFT! We are not a cash grab, where NFTs simply just become worthless after minting. We will be building a DeFi Ecosystem around the AGS brand, here are some things you can expect if you own an Alter Grimace NFT:

Launchpad Exclusive Access ( Free Token Claims )

Holders who own an Alter Grimace NFT will be able to claim tokens from projects that are launching on AGS Finance Launchpad.

Here’s how it works:

For Every IFO/IDO that happens on AGS Finance’s Launchpad, a portion of the tokens will be allocated for Alter Grimace NFT holders. Once the launchpad sale ends, holders who own an Alter Grimace NFT will be able to claim the tokens allocated.

For example, AGS is launching a lending platform on the AGS Finance Launchpad, 10% of the tokens available for sale on the AGS Finance Launchpad will be allocated to the Alter Grimace NFT holders to claim once the launchpad sale is over.

Essentially, holding an Alter Grimace NFT gives you exclusive access to many new projects that will be launching on Astar Network for free!

Farming Boost

Holders of Alter Grimace NFT will be able to increase their farming power when they stake their NFT on AGS Finance farms. A maximum 3% boost will be given to each farm, with each NFT carrying a 1% extra boost.

What This Means:

Let’s say for example you farming with USDC-USDT LP on AGS Finance, which is yielding you 30% APR. You decide to stake 3 Alter Grimace NFTs, giving you 3% extra farming power, your current APR will be 30.9% based on the formula below.

30% * 3/100 = 30.9%

A max of 3% boost will be given per farm!

NFT Staking

Besides staking your NFT for boosted farming, holders of the Alter Grimace NFT will be able to stake their NFT to yield farm rewards on AGS Finance as well.

On top of that, there will be an option to stake to earn our partner tokens as well. As we continue to grow and make more partnerships on Astar Network, we will distribute partner tokens to Alter Grimace NFT holders!

Alter Grimace Society NFT Details

Now that we have covered all the exciting stuff to come, I bet all of you are wondering, when launch, what price, what supply? Slow your horses' guys, there’s plenty of Alter Grimace NFT for everyone…

Total Supply: 4,888
Whitelist Spots: 500
Price: TBA
Whitelist Price: TBA
Mint Date: TBA

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Alter Grimace Society

Alter Grimace Society is a NFT/DeFi protocol on Astar Network.