AGS Finance: $AGS IDO Details

Alter Grimace Society
3 min readApr 18, 2022


AGS Finance will be having a token sale for the $AGS token over on the AGS Finance Launchpad. The IFO will last for 48 hours, from 29 April 2022 at 3 pm UTC to 1 May 2022 at 3 pm UTC.

AGS Finance is the first DEX/AMM to introduce protocol-owned liquidity on Astar Network. Other offerings include the lowest trading fees of 0.17%, ensuring that users get the best rate possible when trading on AGS Finance.

Key Features Of AGS Finance:

  • ✅ Lowest Trading Fees ( 0.17% )
  • ✅ Protocol Owned Liquidity ( POL )
  • ✅ NFT Yield Farming ( Boosted Farming )
  • ✅ High APY Farming ( 1,000%+ APY Farming )

Learn More About AGS Finance

Token Sale Details

Tokens For Sale: 5,000,000 $AGS

Token Commited: $USDC

Price Per $AGS: 0.06 $USDC

Funds To Be Raised: 300,000 $USDC

Soft Cap: 50,000 $USDC ( if the total raise amount does not exceed 50,000 $USDC, the fundraising will be refunded )

Vesting: No vesting, $AGS can be claimed right after IDO

Token List Price: $0.06 USDC ( Same As IDO )

$AGS Token Sale Will Be Conducted Using The OverFlow Method

What is the “Overflow” sale method?

TLDR: Basically, the more you put in, the more you will get, and you’ll get back anything that doesn’t get spent.

In the “Overflow” method, users can subscribe as much or as little as they want to the Launchpad, and their final allocation will be based on the amount of funds they put in as a percentage of all funds put in by other users at the time the sale ends. Users will receive back any leftover funds when they claim their tokens after the sale.

Chart MM Finance used to explain the overflow method

It’s possible to receive no tokens at all: If you commit a very small amount of AGS compared to the total amount committed by others, your contribution may be such a small part of the total that you may not qualify for even a small portion of the tokens sold. In such a case, you will still be able to reclaim all the AGS tokens you committed.

What’s So Special About $AGS

$AGS is the core token that will be utilized heavily within the AGS ecosystem. AGS Finance is the core protocol of the AGS ecosystem, with our new protocols being launched over on AGS Finance launchpad. There is plenty of utility that comes with holding $AGS.

  • Participate In AGS Finance Launchpad IDO/IFO.
  • Earn Other Tokens By Staking $AGS
  • Mint P2E NFTs With $AGS
  • Token Airdrop To Holders
  • High APY Farming With $AGS

The possible utility for the $AGS token is endless!

How The IFO Funds Will Be Used

Initial Liquidity: 250,000 $USDC ( Paired With 4,166,666 AGS )

  • 70% Of LP Will Be Paired With ASTR
  • 30% Of LP Will Be Paired With USDC

Audit: 30,000 $USDC ( Certik or Paladin )

Development: 20,000 $USDC ( Team KYC + Development Of Future Protocols )



Alter Grimace Society

Alter Grimace Society is a NFT/DeFi protocol on Astar Network.